At St. Rose, we believe that “we are always learning.” Our belief is inspired by the great artist Michelangelo, who at the dawn of his very accomplished life, wrote that he believed he still had so much more to learn. At the heart of our core values is the belief that every member of our community is a learner and no matter how young or old you are, or how much education you might have, we all have much more to learn. Learning allows our minds and souls to be set free to discover what is true, beautiful, and good in the world. This is the essence of an excellent Catholic education and as we are reminded by St. John Paul II, “this transmits a comprehensive vision of life…that liberates students in the most profound meaning of human freedom,” (Address to US Bishops May 30, 1998).
We know learning can occur when we practice good habits. We are all most successful when we develop and practice good habits. Good habits are not only essential for academic success, but practicing good habits is the hallmark of faithful discipleship.